[Mozilla] Буџет

novica novica at on.net.mk
Mon Apr 14 17:52:55 UTC 2014

како ви се чини ова?

> * Event goals directly aligned with the Mozilla mission and helps take it further.

па нивната мисија е: to promote openness, innovation & opportunity on
the Web.

Event goals -- to kickstart a community of contributors around FirefoxOS
; to promote FirefoxOS to new users; to create space for advancement of
the open web idea in Macedonia

> * 3 success metrics - Straight forward goals

1. showcase fOS to potential developers before the official launch
2. teach 30 people basic coding skills for fOS
3. have an open discussion about mozilla's mission and manifesto

> * Clear breakdown of expenses

да го сработиме ова во среда? дали има некоја ставка што не знаеме колку
чини? дали треба да собереме некоја понуда од твојот нацрт буџет?


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