[Ossm-members] Re: Makedonija vo debian [NEWS]

Marko Simendić che at vidi.sig
Sun Apr 18 12:46:36 UTC 2004

Lokot na gubec, ?????? ?????, i sve bu v redu kak v Beču..

> Marko Simendić wrote:
>> No, I didn't say that it is OK.
> Oops, sorry, poorly written sentence. I didn't mean you Marko. The sentence
> should read: when one uses standards based on politics, one interferes with
> politics.

It interferes in the same way if he doesn't use those standards, or makes the
new ones... :)

>> They might be just plain ignorant.
> Ignorant people working on and using Debian? Huh. :)

Well, you can't expect from every developer or user to be a politician, lawyer
and a human rights activist in a same time. ;)

>> It would be a pity if
>> someone in Macedonia stopped using Debian because of this issue...
> That's for Debian users to answer. :)

Of course... Anyone? :) How many people in Macedonia use Debian, anyway?

> I don't know if Debian has a postal address. We could send them few
> thousands of those Don't you F.Y.R.O.M. me! postcards
> (http://www.realitymacedonia.org.mk/web/news_page.asp?nid=3081).

I haven't noticed the postal address anywhere... Maybe you could put out a
petion and send it as an e-mail?

  ___  _   _  ___
 / __)| |_| || __) ICQ#260306390 (o_  [Debian/GNU 3.0]
( (__ |  _  || __) @sbb.co.yu    /\\  Svira:
 \___)|_| |_||___) @setnet.co.yu V_/_ Red Union-student radio

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