[Ossm-members] Google: Summer of Code
Darko Spasovski
darkos at mt.net.mk
Thu Jun 2 20:41:48 UTC 2005
Do sega najverojatno imate procitano na slashdot & co za proektot na Google
Code narecen "Summer of Code". Za onie koi ne se vo tek - Google ova leto ke
sponzorira studenti koi ke rabotat na Open Source proekti, i ke donira $5000
na sekoj student koj sto uspesno ke go zavrsi proektot do 1-vi septemvri.
Citat od naslovnata strana (http://code.google.com/summerofcode.html):
"The Summer of Code is Google's program designed to introduce students to
the world of Open Source Software Development.
This Summer, don't let your programming skills lie fallow...Use them for the
greater good of Open Source Software and computer science! Google will
provide a $4500 award to each student who successfully completes an open
source project by the end of the Summer. (payment details can be found in
By pairing applicants up with the proven wisdom and experience of
established prominent open source organizations (listed below), we hope to
make great software happen. If you can't come up with a great idea to
submit, a number of our organizations have made idea lists available."
Listata na organizacii-mentori koi go sponzoriraat proektot raste od den na
den, i gi vklucuva Python Software Foundation, Apache Software Foundation,
OpenOffice, KDE, GNOME Foundation, Ubuntu, FreeBSD i mnogu drugi. Google ima
obezbedeno sredstva za do 200 studenti koi sto ke apliciraat & uspesno go
zavrsat proektot.
So srekja do site studenti koi sto ke si ja isprobaat srekjata i znaenjeto
ova leto!
Darko S.
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