[Ossm-members] Invitation: Conference on ICT lock-in at the European Parliament - 17 April 2008, 9.00-13.30

Новица Наков novica at bagra.org
Thu Apr 10 21:02:29 UTC 2008

ова ми стигна, ако не некој во брисел :-)

“Locked in” at the European Parliament
 –      IT monopolies, open standards, open source
 and EU procurement policy
 Thursday 17 April 2008         9.00 – 13.30
 European Parliament, Brussels, Room 1G2, ASP Building

Participative democracy relies increasingly on the ability of citizens and 
stakeholders to access public information and to communicate with officials 
and elected politicians electronically. This half-day conference looks at the 
situation where public institutions are locked into the ICT products of a 
single vendor, discusses the implications of this for participative democracy 
and fair competition, and considers the prospects for the European Parliament 
to adopt the use of open standards and open source software and to promote 
interoperability in the European ICT sector.

 This is a Greens / European Free Alliance conference, hosted by MEP David 
Hammerstein with the support of OpenForum Europe. We would be pleased if you 
could join us for this important event. Please RSVP before 15 April 2008 to  
david.hammerstein-assistant at europarl.europa.eu 


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