[2s.mk-friends] конференција во Косово септември 2010

Новица Наков novica at bagra.org
Mon Apr 12 12:51:47 UTC 2010

Втората конференција во Косово за слободен софтвер е во подготовка и има 
отворен повик за презентации/предавања.

> Dear all,
> Following the success of the Software Freedom Kosova 2009 (SFK '09)
> Conference, FLOSSK and University of Prishtina are preparing to organize
> the next SFK '10 Conference.
> The conference will be held on 25th and 26th of September and we hope will
> attract speakers from around the world as it did in 2009. Considering that
> you have been among the speakers of SFK '09, I encourage you to submit
> papers/presentations for this years conference. At the same time, I would
> like to kindly ask you to pass the attached CfP and information about SFK
> '10 to any of your friends/colleagues that might be interested to
> participate/speak.

Ако некој сака да учестувува или барем да разгледа нека пише да му пратам call 
for proposals (дека големичок е за на листа) или нека си провери flossk.org


Важно: http://bugs.softver.org.mk/index.php?tasks=all&project=7 !

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