[Ossm-members] Postnuke Translation [solved] and Tooltip

Дамјан penguinista at mail.net.mk
Wed Jun 9 12:49:53 UTC 2004

> i'm doing most of the development with gnome bluefish html editor. till
> now i was using utf-8 character encoding, where i encountered some
> problems on m$ boxes with little 'che' ('c, similar to 4 :) so i was
> anyway planing to change the encoding.

Hmm, there should be no problems with UTF-8 on Windows boxes?!? What kind of 
problems did you encounter? 

The problem with utf-8 is that until MySQL-4.1 becomes stable it won't have 
native utf-8 support. You can still put utf-8 data in a mysql DB but some 
functions (for ex. case insensitive string compare) will not work.

> as the translation is encoded with windows-1251 standard (?) this seems
> to be a reasonable solution (although i don't like the idea of a
> window-standard).
> the problem now is that bluefish doesn't support that standard. so can
> anyone maybe point me to a nice text-editor (favourably with syntax
> highlighting) available for debian that is supporting that standard.

You can still work with UTF-8 and then use "iconv" to convert the files to 
windows-1251 or something else.


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