[Ossm-members] Slashdot

darkos at mt.net.mk darkos at mt.net.mk
Tue Dec 6 12:18:37 UTC 2005

Macedonia Deploys 5,000 Ubuntu Desktops in Schools

vladoboss writes "The latest GNOME Journal is running a story about the deployment 
of 5000 Ubuntu desktops in public schools. The Republic of Macedonia is 
a small country in Southern Europe with a population of around 2 million. 
Internet penetration is only around 5% and software piracy rate is rampant. 
Also, the government does not play any major role in the development of 
the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and a private sector 
is dominated by Microsoft technologies. Given the circumstances, one would 
not expect any free software related stories to make the headlines. Yet 
the presence of a small volunteer organization by the name Free Software 
Macedonia is making a big difference in this small country."


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