[2s.mk-friends] NSND Сплит 20-22 август
Дамјан Георгиевски
penguinista at mail.net.mk
Sat Jul 24 13:36:36 UTC 2010
> Поздрав заедницо,
> само да потсетам дека NSND (Nista Se Neče Dogoditi) повторно во Сплит и
> повторно во август. Веќе трационално, ова е најголемиот NSND настан во
> годината (споредено со Белградскиот на пролет и другите локални NSND-а).
Outlaws & Inlaws. Commoners and pirates. Split, August 19-20
Now that copyfighters are no longer new kids on the block, the free software
and free culture are here to stay and the piracy is not by any strength of
corporate imagination be wished away, it’s time to take stock of different
roads they have taken. Some have pursued strategies that innovated the legal
means, others have taken to illegal means, both have sought to make sharing,
remixing and collaboration work. Outlaws and inlaws. Commoners and pirates.
This small uncoference will face off these two sides of free culture vs.
piracy debate, trying to understand where each has proven over the last years
to be a better strategy and at what cost, and where the future struggle and
technological development are going to take us.
The uncoference Outlaws & Inlaws will take place alongside the next Split
installment of Ništa se neće dogodit – Nothing Will Happen, a series of
meetings of hackers from all over former Yugoslavia. They will be joined by
Bodó Balázs, Erdgeist, Benjamin Mako Hill, Jan Gerber, Paul Keller, Sebastian
Lütgert, Alan Toner, members of Slovenian and Serbian pirate parties, and some
other as of yet uncofirmed guests.
If you wish to join the event, please get in touch with Marcell
(ki.ber at kom.uni.st) or Tom (tom at mi2.hr).
Outlaws & Inlaws is organized by Multimedia Institute/MAMA, with the support
of Croatian Ministry of Culture.
Ništa se neće dogoditi is organized by Razmjena vjetšina/Skill sharing.
дамјан ((( http://damjan.softver.org.mk/ )))
Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but
when there is nothing left to take away. - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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