[2s.mk-friends] Open Access Week event in Macedonia

Aleksandar D. Balalovski abalalovski at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 14:52:06 UTC 2011

Lecture about the Open Access Publishing in Macedonia and the use of
Creative Commons in publication process. Since the situation with Open
Access publishing in Macedonia is gaining a momentum (there is a
increasing number of OA journals in the last year) the basic concepts
of Open Access publishing and the use of Creative Commons licences
will be discussed. The need for scientific repositories and
institutional archiving as an integral part of OA publishing will be
mentioned. Recommendations for FOSS will be a crucial part of the
lecture emphasizing the importance of becoming a part of the
international OA community. Please spread the word about the lecture
and share the benefits of Open Access in Macedonia!


Петок од 13:00 - 15:00ч. на филолошки.


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