[Ossm-members] Re: Makedonija vo debian [NEWS] [NEWS]

Danko Ilik danko at on.net.mk
Mon Apr 19 05:34:26 UTC 2004

On Monday 19 April 2004 00:41, Marko Simendić wrote:
> Lokot na gubec, "Kiro Velkovski" <kirev mt net mk>, i sve bu v redu kak v
> Beču..
> > кратко име "United Kingdom". Според мене, најубаво би било да си го
> > користат "MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF" ако не ги мрзи... А
> > кратенки се MK / MKD.
> >
> The thing I constantly fail to realise is that you obviously have no
> problem with the name "Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of" (as used
> in debian-installer), while complaining about FYROM? Pardon me for my
> ignorance, but is there any difference?

Yes, FYROM is worse because it is an acronym that looks like a regular country 
name (it has vowels). At least, the long form contains Macedonia, and 
implicitly carries the message that it is a non-sense solution for a country 

Which reminds me, why don't they use all-capital letters in writing country 
names? In the ISO standard, all names are written in capitals. We should 
insist on this, it is how it is in the standard. I'm serious.

BTW, Debian are breaking a fundamental human right - the right to identity. 
That is hypocrisy, because they are very strict about supporting only 
free/libre software on moral grounds, and here they break fundamental human 
rights. Read, for example, what the Greek Helsinki committee for Human Rights 
thinks about the problem.

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