[Ossm-members] Moroni

Новица Наков novica at bagra.org
Mon Aug 9 11:29:13 UTC 2004

Дамјан напиша: 

> http://www.vreme.com.mk/index?nid=8969

Во случај да го прочитавте ова и да се зачудивте што е работата со патентите 
еве збор два digest од nettime за да ви стане појасно:

Copyright, which protects a particular expression, is very hard to infringe 
upon involuntarily. Even if two people happen to have the same idea, chances 
are, they will express it differently. From the point of view of copyright, 
no harm done. Patents are different, they protect an idea, independent from 
its expression. If you have an idea that someone else has already patented, 
though luck. It's not your idea anymore. The history of technology is full of 
cases where two people came up with the same invention, but one was faster. 
Famous is the case of Alexander Graham Bell and Elisha Grey. Both filed their 
patents for the telephone on February 14, 1876. Bell's was the fifth entry of 
that day, while Gray's was the 39th.

Како пример за патентирање на идеја во софтверскиот свет пазете го ова (јуху - 

< http://cmspatent.notlong.com > (pointing at < http://patft.uspto.gov/ ...>)

    [US Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Full Text and Image Database]

     ( 1 of 1 )

   United States Patent    6,745,238 
   Giljum ,   et al.    June 1, 2004 

   Self service system for web site publishing


   A web site creation and maintenance system permits distributed control
   and centralized management of a web site. The physical implementation
   of the web site resides on a database maintained by a database
   administrator. The web site system permits a site administrator to
   construct the overall structure, design and style of the web site.
   This allows for a comprehensive design as well as a common look and
   feel for the web site. The web site system permits content for the web
   site to originate from multiple content contributors. The publication
   of content is controlled by content owners. This permits assignment of
   content control to those persons familiar with the content. The web
   site system is also a self service web site system for content
   contributors, content owners, and site administrators. The self
   service system displays to users one or more panels that contain input
   fields to permit the users to submit content and web site components
   for publication on the web site. The user, through use of only a web
   browser running on the user computer, transmits the parameter to the
   web site database. In response, the web site is updated at the
   database in accordance with the parameter.

   Inventors: Giljum; Robert (San Francisco, CA); Thorpe; John
   (Washington, DC); Kramer; Jeanne (Silver Spring, MD); Banker; Nilay
   (Fremont, CA); Deep; Vandana (Union City, CA)
   Assignee: Oracle International Corporation (Redwood Shores, CA)
   Appl. No.: 540092
   Filed: March 31, 2000

   Current U.S. Class:            709/219; 707/102
   Intern'l Class:                      G06F 015/16
   Field of Search:    709/223,219 707/102,103,104

И сега кога би земале пример од друг сектор на нематеријално производство -- 
како филмовите, театарот или книгите -- ќе видите дека и таму важи авторското 
право. Така додека е сосема вообичаено студијата и писателите да имаат 
авторски права на своите дела, нигде нема да видите патент на идеја од типот 
на: созревање на млад човек исполнето со страшни препреки кои тој ги 
надминува. Кога некој би го патентирал ова како идеја, пола холивудска 
продукција би отишла по ѓаволите.

Welcome to the new economy of post-material capitalism! 


There is no patch for stupidity.

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