[Ossm-members] FW: MASIT conference info update (17.-18.02.2005)

Kristijan Spirov kristijan.spirov at stb.com.mk
Tue Feb 1 15:36:09 UTC 2005

Како да ја нема темата "слободен софтвер"?
- Regional cooperation (Proposals for joint venture projects, Case studies, Business environment, Governmental support, etc.)
- Quality Assurance and Certification (QA Procedures and Methodologies, SW Testing, Project Management, Certification Authorities, Consulting services, Best practice cases)
- Outsourcing (SW development and other IT services, Available resources, Case studies, Proposals for Outsourcing Consortiums)
- e-Business solutions (e-Government, e-Commerce, e-Learning, e-Health etc., Case studies, Possibilities for Joint venture projects)
- Information Society (Actual and future EU IST projects, Searching for partners, etc.)
- Other topics (Other topics of interest for the IT Sectors)
Note: We appreciate your comments. We also encourage you to suggest additional topics of interest.

- The agenda is open, so you are welcome to send us proposals for presentations.
- You can register your presentation On-line, or by emailing the attached form for submitting Presentation title and abstract. Please take care that presentations are of interest for the most, or at least larger group of participants.



Dear Madame/Sir, 

MASIT this year is organizing  the 3-rd Regional conference of the SEE IT Associations-SEEITA and MASIT Open days. 

The conference will be on 17.-18.February 2005 in Skopje at Skopje fair Multi business centre.


We would like to invite you to participate on our conference. 

For all details I'm sending you our latest invitation and registration form for you presence.

Conference Information Update #5 : 
1. Extension of the Conference deadlines 
- 05.02.2005  Participants REGISTRATION 
- 05.02.2005  Submitting a PRESENTATION PROPOSAL 
- 10.02.2005  Sending the final PRESENTATION file 

2. List of Presentations (arrived till 26.01.2005)

If you need any additional informations please contact us.

Best regards,
Katerina Damevska
Executive secretary of MASIT
tel. +389 2 32 38 601 
katerina at masit.org.mk

--------------------- Cenata:

- 75 Euro. Participation fee includes conference materials, CD with recorded presentations, lunches and refreshments.
- 10% discount for confirmed registration (including the payment) till 10.02.2005.
- Additional discount for MASIT Members, please call for details.



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