[Ossm-members] Препрати: Document Freedom Day

Velko KOCEV velko.kocev at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 23:47:20 UTC 2008

Не извини еве малку подлабоко влегов во сајтот. Јас сум инаку англист ама не
можам да раберам што знаши ова:

извадок од:


Open Standards From Document Freedom Day  Background

Open Standards are essential for interoperability and freedom of choice
based on the merits of different software applications. They provide freedom
from data lock-in and the subsequent vendor lock-in. This makes Open
Standards essential for governments, companies, organisations and individual
users of information technology. While Open Standards are generally agreed
upon as a very important issue and goal, the definition of "Open Standard"
is still somewhat controversial. For the purpose of Document Freedom Day,
our working understanding of "Open Standards" is that the standard be:

Стварно не ми е јасно што е data lock-in  и vendor lock-in. А уопште текст
кој што вика дека сеуште се контроверзни дефинициите за Open standards не ми
е јасно зашто го објавуваш на јавна група.  Колгу луѓе на групава го пратат
дикурсот на следниот параграф од извадоков:

   1. subject to full public assessment and use without constraints in a
   manner equally available to all parties;
   2. without any components or extensions that have dependencies on
   formats or protocols that do not meet the definition of an Open Standard
   3. free from legal or technical clauses that limit its utilisation by
   any party or in any business model;
   4. managed and further developed independently of any single vendor in
   a process open to the equal participation of competitors and third parties;
   5. available in multiple complete implementations by competing
   vendors, or as a complete implementation equally available to all parties.

With an "emerging standards" grace period for the fifth point.

И што кур значи ова.

Ај ако има некој јунак па нека ми го објасни.


On 28/02/2008, Kiril Dimeski <dkire at taratur.com> wrote:
> Glupav enkoding :(
> Naletav na ova,
> Lugop ke go proslavuva denot, pa se nadevame na Vsa poddrska
> http://www.documentfreedom.org/
> Pozdrav
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