[2s.mk-friends] had a great day at metamorphosis

Mike Dupont jamesmikedupont at googlemail.com
Sat Sep 1 21:31:59 UTC 2012

Hi guys,
we had a great day at metamorphosis.org.mk/ in skopje and at the kika hack lab.

we talked at kika about many things, but one was finally organizing a
nothing will happen in kosovo and or albania. Vlore would be my
personal favorite place for one,
but prishtina would also be good, we could just hold it at the
innovations labs I suppose.

metamorphosis.org.mk are doing great work on digital privacy and have
nice glossy flyers and posters in albanian, on facebook privacy,
digital mobbing etc.
we brought a bunch back with us and I hope that we can find money to
print them or get more to distribute in kosovo.
I would send you a link to the website but the firewall at the ick
office blocks them. I hope to setup a table for them at the sfk12.

Also thanks for them posting about the sfk12 , the workshops will be
at innovations labs kosovo not stikks. that was changed.


James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova http://flossk.org
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